SDLC in Software Engineering


Software Development Life Cycle

The System/Software Development Life Cycle is a structure sequence of phase for implementing assistance.There are following phases in SLDC--

1:-    Requirement of need:-

            The first step in the SDLC is identification of need.Need is the uer request to change , improve or inhance and existing system.The key question of this phase is "What is the problem?".

2:-    Feasibility Study:-

         Feasibility refers to the determination of wheather it is practical and benificial to build the system or not.In this study the requirement of candidate system are composed with cost,time,mainpower and technical resources.To know that all requirement can be fullfill or not.
 Various types of Feasibility Study are----
(i):-Economy Feasibility
(ii):-Technical Feasibility
(iii):-Behaviour Feasibility
(iv):-Operational Feasibility

3:-    Analysis:-

     Analysis is the details study of various operation perform by a system and there relationship with in an outside the system.The goal of requirement analysis all related data is to collect or an information with a view to customer requirement.The key question of this phase is "What must be done solve the problem?".

4:-    Design:-

     system design is the most challenging of SDLC.The term design reffer to the final system and the process by which,it is developed.It include the construction of program and program testing.
      The key question of this phase is "How the problem should be solve".The various design objective that should be kept in mind ae efficiency cost,flexibility,security and reliability.

5:-    Implementation:-

        Implementation phase involved user training,side preperation in most conversion of parellel run is conducted,where the new system run simaltemeously with old system.

6:-    Review & maintenance:-

            It measure the system performance again predefined requirement,if user of system are facing problem with the new system,corrective step should be taken.After the installation phase is completed the maintenance and inhencement begin .Many activities classified as maintenance are actualy inhencement,maintenance means restoring something to its original condition why inhencement mean adding,modifying,or redeveloping component to support changes in specification.A computer system required periodic maintenance to keep it up to date.

  Written by   Rahul           THANK YOU..


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